Heidi Montag (23) has no confidence because it was ridiculed in school because of the layout. They mocked her strong jaw and kržljavim feet. Stars of American reality show "The Hills" earned all the money now spent on cosmetic surgery.In one day I rectify the breast, nose, eyebrows, and buttocks - has praised the actress. Her role model is the late Michael Jackson (51) and wants to look like him.How to recognize herself, Heidi Montag, star of reality show The Hills, is dependent on plastic operations, and so far all korigovala whole body to become perfect in order to conquer the small screen has become a pop star. Believe it or not, today the 23-year-old Heidi Montag, known more for operations than the plastic plays, and had them numerous, only one day out of ten; Star of reality show The Hills, has gone under the knife before the 21 years to when he made the nose, lip and breast.
The transformation that followed the American magazine People, corrective procedures are derived almost all parts of her body, liposuction of the neck to raise the buttocks, tightening the forehead, chin reduction, botoksiranja the face and still pokoja finishing. "I love my body. I still feel a bit fragile, but so far I never looked better and seksipilnije. I did not expect that I will have so much confidence. I see an improved version of myself, and I wait with excitement and new world views me," explained Heidi. Last go under the knife was in November when he performed 10 surgical procedures in a single day, all in order to achieve perfection. Appears to be a young starlet who hopes to benefit the music scene, will not fit on the training of the body, so if nothing else, the plastic will make it famous.
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