Even as a little girl I experienced knowledge about Alice in Wonderland and white Rabbit. That was one of the first picture that I devoted my uncle from Zagreb he was mechanical engineering and an expert for locomotivs.

I did not even know or read because I knew the alphabet, but read me stories my mom and grandmother, and so would every night went to sleep with thoughts and experiences of Alice. I hardly met by the film that reminds me terrible childhood and the grandmother who is no more. So the new upcoming movie was directed by famous director Tim Burton. I love films which he directed and he is a real art-master, I'll just mention some that I looked at 'The Nightmare Before Christmas', 'Scissorhands' .. starring Johnny Deep has, with some more familiar names like the world film scene, Mia Wasikowska, Matt Lucas, Michael Sheen, Anne Hathaway, Helena Carter, Crispin Glover, Lucy Davenport, Alan Rickman. Now a few words about the very content of the film 'Alice in Wonderland' .
Young Alice (Mia Wasikowska) is caught up in tripoidnu, colorful and creepy country where her every life form embittered life and a series of puzzles and traps, but since it is expected to save the land of wonders zločestog dragon Hudorakije famous Red Queen and the mumps are at least fashion detail. However, in the middle of unplanned adventures in the world of eccentricity, Alice realizes that she had already been there, which is directed directly refers to a literary template Carrola Lewis, as the only lucid body, she is the one who can save the earth and the sea the wonders of frenzied queen that plague Hudorakije brain disorders and that can not be resolved heartburn. In doing so it really, as befits a true tale, as a sidekick aka pal helps her cross-eyed crazy Hadover useless advice and subtle interventions. Unlike the Disney adaptation of both the original template, which often identify, Burton is recognizable codes created a fantastic fairy-tale epic that satisfies all the requirements of the genre, which will get Alisa's new dimension, but with a very distinctive signatures and elements from the representative of his oeuvre.

Thus, the two queens (Red and White) by dominating the underworld, in Burton's two variants of the expected conflict sisters crazy Klobučar only real consultant Alice, while Cerigradski Cat remains frustrating enigma. The main villain of the tee and loud-mouthed Red Queen of Hearts is a CAD (Crispin Glover) who with the queen and Hudorakijom Alisi difficult mission of liberation fantastic creatures Wonderland. We could say that here cast really stops, because the other characters belong to the majority dimension animated film where we see animated versions acting legend Christopher Lee (Hudorakija), Michael Sheen (White Rabbit), Stephen Frya (Cerigradski Cat) and Matt Lucas (Tweedledee and Tweedledum) . Unlike previous adaptations, Burton is the beginning insisted on the psychological characterization of the protagonist and the logical sequence of actions as far Alisa horizontally moved to its new world of character to character without reasonable links, so walk-two-part structure of fairy tales is actually a continuity that will certainly intrigue audience. Originality and wild range of new characters not seen any yet!
The film is worth every look, and who is not due to something else then because Johnny Deep.
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