Renaissance cookbook Zlatko Sedlanića that his promotion had on this year's Renaissance Festival is presented at the session of the Assembly of Koprivnica Tourist Board, held Monday at the Culinary Center Štagelj. Carefully chosen words about the book of Podravka recipes cooking promoters said the mayor and the president of Koprivnica Tourist Board Zvonimir Mrsic.
- The great value of this book is that the recipes are meals in which once enjoyed the nobility not only rescued from oblivion, but also shows the manner suited to, and thus became accessible for today's preparation. In it the featured dishes typical of our region who are unjustly displaced from the menu and is committed to promoting them further and more frequently found in offer Koprivnica restaurant. - Mrsic said.

Renaissance cookbook came out in the release Tourist Board, with the support of Podravka. With Zlatko Sedlanića who spent years researching old records, trying a variety of recipes and perfecting their knowledge in the preparation of rich and unusual dishes listed in the Renaissance cookbooks, helped Paleka Marina and Dario Horvat, food styling and signed by Zlatko Ksenija Sedlanić and Stephen Žagač, and the author was very attractive photos Berislav Godek. Lovers of unusual dishes is available in bookstores and Koprivnička memorabilia.
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