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petak, 31. prosinca 2010.

I eat anything that flies, walks, crawls, swims.. - I hope that we are not cannibals ...

I eat anything that flies, walks, crawls, swims ..

I hope that we are not cannibals ...

Advertising, advertising, promotion, these are all tools of marketing that should be directional for the benefit of supply and demand, for their mutual benefit and satisfaction. Those who want something to sell any product or service in good faith, should be required to work within the ethics and morals, so at least we were taught in college.

Disgusted sentence me, I eat all fatty, sweet, salty ... all that crawls, walks, swims or flies. Content is fine and funny, just for adults who have a realistic understanding of the perception of things and phenomena, and for children is definitely harmful, because they have developed a real ability to reason. Any cultural and economic community is fighting for sustainable development, which in these deviant advertising content that we need to look for a high subscription HTV ignored, and it should be emphasized.

'I dress all', I was somewhat in line, because in this part of the advertisements talk about today's social and social status. Accordingly, the 'suits still makes a man' according to occasions and guess. Biggest Nakarada of all these advertisements are those which intend to advertise their content bank's products. Ma, lmolim you, what are the products? They are immoral and unethical phenomenon, we would say normal people and professions. In this content hiding many scams and usurious intent, which intend to take the citizens and the last pair out of his pocket. It should prohibit such advertising saržaje which advertised the Bank. They should serve the overall good of society and social aspects, such as in some developed European countries. The poor state of eyes are nearly closed in both eyes, and that they allow their laws to act as the largest creditor. And why? Because she has the benefit of their immoral and unethical 'business'.

In fact, today is the pervasive misconceptions of real value, and the biggest reason is the fight, run or grab for money, or in short wicked business.

These days I listen to and watch the TV commercial for beer sausage on our well-known brand manufacturers! Advertising messages they are evil and nonsense. Some advertisements should definitely be downloaded from the program because their display harmful for children and young people, their interests, which mostly look through idealopoklonstvo. The contents of these advertisements intend to persuade us to consume the 'best' Alcohol and eat 'best' sausages are full of fat and cholesterol. As the Croats took 5 on the scale of the statistics as thickest nation in Europe, does not surprise me 'lucid' philosophy of living that is being imposed through a commercial! And the scale of alcohol consumption also reserve the unenviable position, since we are only up drunkard, Russians, Swedes and Chinese. Brutal me when I see a nice healthy babies as a normal and fit, you must advertise nasty and greasy salami. I wonder why not put fat children spometu to advertise products, to immediately know how it will look like if they ate the 'beautiful fatty, salty, products'. The worst thing is that we lie to children, adults lie, lie, lie .. takes us where such a perverted way of life philosophy. I wonder where are the intellectuals and where the waist. Are not there? Immorality, neetika, crime flourishes. How long?

Do not think I have a real proposal and script for the right of publicity.

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četvrtak, 23. prosinca 2010.

Virtualana galerija

Pravi izazov kupovine iz udobne fotelje, pruža nam Internetska prodaja. Obožavam kliknutu na stranicu http://www.gifts.hr/ i još neke, te kupovati preko Interneta, brzo jednostavno i savršeno. Odaberem, kupim, platim i proizvod stigne poštom. Proizvodi nisu skupi i svatko si može priuštiti. To je najbolja prilika da razveselimo svoje drage i sebe kupnjom poklona za određenu prigodu ili vlastito zadovoljstvao, te tako uljepšamo svoj radni ili stambeni prostor. Cijene umjetničkih slika poznatih Hrvatskih autora kreću se od 25 € na više. U toj virtualnoj trgovini mogu se naći i ostali proizvodi tipa poklona po vrlo pristupačnim cijenama.


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srijeda, 22. prosinca 2010.

Okrugli stol: „Sjećanje na Ivana i Josipa Generalića“

Dana 21. prosinca 1914. godine rođen je najveći hrvatski slikar izvorne provenijencije, a svakako najpoznatiji hrvatski slikar u svijetu – Ivan Generalić koji je u Galeriji Hlebine hrvatskom narodu ostavio iznimno vrijednu ostavštinu. A na današnji dan 22. prosinca 2004. godine u Koprivnici preminuo je istaknuti hrvatski slikar, grafičar, klasik naivnog slikarstva Josip Generalić. Ne želimo se baviti likovnom kritikom ni revalorizacijom djela Ivana i Josipa Generalića iako nam je i te kako žao što se o njihovim djelima do danas ni približno nije reklo u onoj mjeri kako to ona zaslužuju. Vas više nema, ali vaša djela ostala su i ostat će nadahnuće brojnim generacijama, riječi su Mladena Pavkovića prilikom uvoda u okrugli stol kojega je Udruga branitelja i udovica domovinskog rata Podravke organizirala u prizemlju poslovne sedmerokatnice Podravke. Okrugli stol „Sjećanje na Ivana i Josipa Generalića“ organiziran je pod visokim pokroviteljstvom Ministarstva kulture RH i Koprivničko-križevačke županije. Zadovoljstvo što je ovaj okrugli stol po prvi puta organiziran u Podravki izrazio je i član Uprave Podravke Krunoslav Bešvir kojemu se u tome priključio i zamjenik župana Koprivničko-križevačke županije Ivan Pal. O veličini djela, njihovog značenja za naš kraj, dvojice svojih sumještana govorio je i načelnik općine Hlebine Hrvoje Gaži. Podravkina okrugla dvorana bila je tako pretijesna za sve prijatelje, znance, suradnike i obitelj Generalić koji su se svi redom prisjećali  provedenih trenutaka sa ovom dvojicom iznimnih velikana. Redom su se za riječ javljali Mijo Kovačić, Mladen Večenaj, Milan Generalić, Zvonko Sigetić i Stjepan Bičan koji je posebno i naglasio da: “Ako se ne budemo sjećali svojih velikih, ostat ćemo mali“. Pamtit ćemo ih i kao velike humaniste koji su rado darivali svoje slike, pomagali drugima i to se zasigurno ne može zaboraviti. Generalići, i otac i sin mogli su živjeti u bilo kojoj svjetskoj metropoli, ali do kraja života ostali su na podravskoj zemlji. O tome je Ivan Generalić i rekao: - Volim svoju podravsku zemlju koju nikada neću napustiti i na kojoj sam jak i svoj. Ako se maknem s nje postajem slabiji i zato su svi moji motivi samo podravski

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Podravkini slikari izlažu na Božićnoj izložbi slika u Goli

U ovo predblagdansko vrijeme mnogobrojni posjetitelji okupili su se u Galeriji „Stara škola“ u Goli, kako bi nazočili otvorenju izložbe slika iz kolekcije Udruge invalida koprivničko-križevačke županije. Izloženo je 38 slika većeg formata, a izložba je potpomognuta organizacijom golske Likovne udruge, Općine i Turističke zajednice Gola te Udruge invalida Koprivničko-križevačke županije. Na izložbi o radu Udruge govorio je predsjednik Slavek Kuzmić, a izložbu je otvorio saborski zastupnik i načelnik Općine Gola dr. Stjepan Milinković. Cijeli program otvorenja upotpunio je božićnim pjesmama Pjevački crkveni zbor.
Svoj doprinos izložbi dali su i podravkini slikari Likovne sekcije „Podravka 72“ čija su djela izložena u Galeriji „Stara škola“: Josip Gregurić, Nada Zlatar Lukavski, Nikola Večenaj Leportinov, Radovan Grgec, Nada Dombaj, Melinda Sokač, Vlatka Kordina, Marijana Janeković, Stjepan Pongrac, Kristina Mandić, Dražen Tetec, Darko Vratić i Branimir Dolenec. Izložba će ostati otvorena do 19. siječnja 2011. godine.(N.Z.L.)

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ponedjeljak, 20. prosinca 2010.

Powerful and economical: the new Audi R18 revealed

HEIR Revolutionary R15
Audi has revealed the new racing monstrous prepared for the famous race 24 Hours of Le Mans and other endurance races less. It is an impressive racing R18, which is more like a car from a horror movie villain, but the sports car. Audi R18 is based on the chassis in its entirety is made of carbon fiber, and is decorated with attractive LED headlights, a massive rear wing and distinctive car from the previous R15.

On the other hand, what's under the hood is much calmer than the aggressive and brutal exterior. Specifically, the drive is used domesticated 3.7-liter V6 engine, mated to a six-speed semi-automatic gearbox. From the Audi does not have data on the performance, but said that the new R18 stronger and much more economical in terms of fuel consumption of the aforementioned predecessors. For the purposes of Audi's sports team will be made three copies of R18 and the first race is planned 6 hours Belgian Spa-Francorchamps

For the purpose of demanding endurance race, Audi has revealed the new racing car, which is used to drive an economical and powerful 3.7-liter V6 engine. Other technical specifications have not been discovered, and the new R18 will first perform at the event 6 hours of Spa-Francorchamps.

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petak, 17. prosinca 2010.

Humanitarni koncert za Martinu i Petra u koprivničkom Domoljubu

Udruga branitelja invalida i udovica domovinskog rata Podravke zajedno s Udrugom žena iz Herešina, u koprivničkom Domoljubu organizirali su uspješan humanitarni koncert „Od srca srcu“. Glavna zvijezda koncerta koja se odazvala pozivu organizatora i na taj način pomogla u prikupljanju neophodnih financijskih sredstava za Martinu i Petra Balaška, djecu poginuloga hrvatskoga branitelja, bio je popularni Mirko Švenda - Žiga. Organizator koncerta predsjednik Podravkine udruge Mladen Pavković nije krio zadovoljstvo velikim odazivom Koprivničanaca koji su se i ovaj put, kao i u mnogo drugih prilika odazvali pozivu te je naglasio kako je interes bio i puno veći no što Domoljub može primiti gledatelja. Katica Polančec, predsjednica Udruge žena Herešin zahvalila je svim sponzorima i donatorima koji su omogućili ovaj koncert. Zahvaljujući svima njima, na ovoj humanitarnoj akciji prikupljeno je dvadeset tisuća kuna, a Alen Gašparić ispred koprivničkoga Jadranskog osigurao je i financijsku potporu od tisuću kuna mjesečno tijekom iduće godine. (V.I.)

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A new generation Seat Leon

According to latest information the Spanish media, the new generation Seat Leon will celebrate its official debut at the Frankfurt Motor Show in September 2011. year. Apparently we can expect a major impact on the concept of IBE Paris I exterior design of the new Leon, and they certainly have no objection. Moreover, the said concept is a wonderful combination of futuristic design.

The first information about the new generation Seat Leon does not reveal much, but it has been announced that the final design of the car to be inspired by the concept of IBE Paris, and exactly the Frankfurt Motor Show in September 2011. is so far the announced time and place of the official presentation.
Since there is no official information, it is difficult at this point to say what will be critical under the hood, but surely we can expect a choice between gasoline and diesel engines. It is possible to be just 1.4-liter TFSI, the 2.0-liter TFSI and the 1.6-liter TDI and 2.0-liter TDI engines. Power will most likely be sent to the front axle, while in the near or distant future might appear to drive all four wheels and all-electric design. For more information, we expect an official report from the


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četvrtak, 16. prosinca 2010.

Presented Renaissance cookbook Zlatko Sedlanića

Renaissance cookbook Zlatko Sedlanića that his promotion had on this year's Renaissance Festival is presented at the session of the Assembly of Koprivnica Tourist Board, held Monday at the Culinary Center Štagelj. Carefully chosen words about the book of Podravka recipes cooking promoters said the mayor and the president of Koprivnica Tourist Board Zvonimir Mrsic.

- The great value of this book is that the recipes are meals in which once enjoyed the nobility not only rescued from oblivion, but also shows the manner suited to, and thus became accessible for today's preparation. In it the featured dishes typical of our region who are unjustly displaced from the menu and is committed to promoting them further and more frequently found in offer Koprivnica restaurant. - Mrsic said.
Renaissance cookbook came out in the release Tourist Board, with the support of Podravka. With Zlatko Sedlanića who spent years researching old records, trying a variety of recipes and perfecting their knowledge in the preparation of rich and unusual dishes listed in the Renaissance cookbooks, helped Paleka Marina and Dario Horvat, food styling and signed by Zlatko Ksenija Sedlanić and Stephen Žagač, and the author was very attractive photos Berislav Godek. Lovers of unusual dishes is available in bookstores and Koprivnička memorabilia.

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srijeda, 15. prosinca 2010.

Ultimate Performance: Porsche 911 GT3 RSR

He reached a new Porsche 911 GT3 RSR, the ultimate performance of the famous Porscheovog model. Specifically, the initial cost of 410 000 euros and 455 hp from a 4.0-liter engine six cylinder , this is the most serious ever 911 model.
Porsche has found a new extreme performance model 911, a word about the GT3 RSR. According prikazanome, it is about the evolution of the previous model RSR. Moreover, under the hood hiding explosive-six 4.0-liter engine, which produces a maximum of 455 hp and as much torque. The result is a completely new engine ECU, modified exhaust and intake manifolds.
On the aesthetic side of no significant news, which is standard for a Porsche. However, if we are going to be precise, there is a slightly modified rear end with the lighting circuits in the LED technology and a prominent wing. The front end is not dropped, but is updated with new front spoiler. The new Porsche 911 GT3 RSR is available for order, and the price ranges from a high 410 000 euros.

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