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ponedjeljak, 28. ožujka 2011.

Exhibition of watercolors by Katica Augustinović

The exhibition of watercolors front of the restaurant food Podravka Koprivnica presented of Krizevci,  painter Catherine Augustinović. Twenty watercolors show the motive of the sea, floral motifs and sacred objects that reflect the richness of color with slight nuances. Her views of the picturesque Betina motives bay, olive trees, pines and rocky shores has risen to the level of poetic records. Catherine (Kaja) Augustinović member of the Podravka art section, Križevci art circle and art studios Križevci. She has participated in numerous group shows and colonies. The exhibition will be the next two weeks.

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Diamond Jewelry

subota, 26. ožujka 2011.

Exhibition of Paintings by Mary Stipan

Exhibition of Paintings by Mary Stipan
Many friends, visitors and art lovers gathered on Saturday in an exhibition space  of Edcation Center, General Hospital Dr. Tomislav Bardek in Koprivnica, to the opening of the 13th  solo exhibitions Stipan Mary, where she presented herself with thirty large format images. The painter's distinctive style and expression, whose content is dominated by landscapes, flowers and still lifes. Her painting is based on the medium of oil paintings, pastels, watercolors and acrylics. A member of the "Molvarskog arting circle" and also belongs to the membership section of art "Podravka 72", which is an active member for many years. Mary's paintings are accompanied and some well-known art critics.
Born molvarka, secondary medical school in Koprivnica, graduated to a higher medical school in Zagreb, an employee at the General Hospital Koprivnica as chief nurse unit independent activity orthopedics.
Painter presented a BSc. ses. Vesna Sertić. Opening of the commemorative program complement, John Dosen and John Boros. The exhibition was opened by Director General Hospital "Dr. Tomislav Bardek MD. Gordana Slavetić specialist surgery. Painter-present thanked the audience, and they honored the rich banquet. The exhibition will remain open until 10 April, 2011. in Edukacijskomo Center, General Hospital Dr. Tomislav Bardek in Koprivnica.

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utorak, 8. ožujka 2011.

Happy Women's Day to all women of Podravka

Happy Women's Day to all women of Podravka

Women's Day is traditionally celebrated as International Workers' Day worldwide. It is a sort of recollection of the 1910th year when the proposal Clara Zetkin made the decision to eighth March declared the International Day for Women. The decision was made that this would mark the memory of the great American women held protests 1909th in the fight for universal suffrage. In these protests 15,000 women workers in the textile industry in New York demanded shorter hours, better pay, voting rights and the prohibition of child labor. And long before that women were strikes and riots fought for their rights, seeking better and more equal position in society. The difficulties women have begun their increasing involvement in the production. The economic independence of women was and remained the basis on which they later built all forms of struggle for equality. However, even in developed countries these rights are not yet complete. Unfortunately, even today many women in the world must fight for their basic rights such as equality and advancement of his position, and many of them are still unequal and oppressed, and unfortunately even today in the 21 century, some yet to fight for the right to vote. Due to the double role - producer and mother - the emancipation of women is a long process, because the marking International Women's Day does not lose its meaning. Happy holiday to  all women of Podravka.

petak, 4. ožujka 2011.

Lino višebojac u OŠ Selnica - Rezervna igračica na pobjedničkom postolju

Proglašenje pobjednika Lino višebojca u OŠ Selnica učenica sedmog razreda Katarina Sić dočekala je s nevjericom, a onda je iz njenih očiju potekla bujica suza. Ni zagrljaji prijateljica ni stisak ruke nastavnice tjelesnog nisu ih mogli zaustaviti. Plakala je i na pobjedničkom postolju kada joj je Maja Kožnjak rukometašica Podravka Vegete predala pehar. Tek nakon desetak minuta uspjela je promucati:

- Još uvijek ne vjerujem da sam najbolja, bila sam rezerva, nastavnica me uvrstila u ekipu nakon što se Pavla Jurović razboljela i stvarno nisam očekivala da ću nešto postići. Ne bavim se sportom, ranije sam malo igrala nogomet i ovo je prvi pehar kojeg sam osvojila- rekla nam je Katarina.

Za razliku od nje pobjednik kod dječaka Dominik Bistrović, najviši od svih natjecatelja, iako tek u šestom razredu, veselo je skakao po dvorani, grlio se s ostalim višebojcima ne skidajući osmijeh s lica. Važio je za favorita, na mnogim transparentima šarenim slovima bilo je ispisano njegovo ime i tu podršku je opravdao osvajanjem 140 bodova. Neskriveno veselje podijelio je s drugim sportskim gostom selničkog Lino višebojca, višestrukim juniorskim prvakom Europe u speedwaju Juricom Pavlicom.

Osim pobjednicima u višeboju i Lauri Novak, autorici najboljeg rada koja je poželjela svijet prepun dobrih prijatelja, Lino višebojac pružio je puno radosti i ostaloj djeci iz Selnice. Učenicima osnovne škole koji su uz maštovite plakate i transparente pripremili i raznovrsne kostime i maske, pridružili su se i mališani iz tamošnjeg dječjeg vrtića. Male Međimurce bilo je lako svrstati po razredima jer prvačići su se pretvorili u male Liniće, drugi razredi su se okitili šarenim cvjetovima, treći su bili gljivice, četvrti ponosno predstavili svoju eko školu, petaši su nosili kape s imenima višebojaca, šestaši su se okitili crveno bijelim rekvizitima hrvatske reprezentacije, a najstariji učenici obukli su crvene, odnosno plave majice svojih razreda. Uz glasno navijanje pružili su prekrasan dekor za još jedno nezaboravno Lino druženje.

Piše: Jadranka Lakuš

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