Podravka's Culinary Center Štagelj was the venue for an interesting workshop organized for elementary school kitchen staff of the City of Koprivnica. It was in fact a kind of preparation for pilot implementation of Podravka's menu - the project unique menu of basic schools in Podravka Koprivnica which are designed by experts, chefs and restaurants for the occasion and prepared. The workshop was organized primarily for the kitchen staff or staff directly responsible for school meals that are also the most direct way to assure the quality of the value of the project found that the representatives of the Primary School Anthony Nemčić Gostovinski, Radić Brothers Primary School, Primary School George Ester, CESD Podravsko sun and the Administrative Department for Social Affairs of the City of Koprivnica. About unique menus for primary schools said the director of development of sensors and nutrition Podravka Davorka Gajar. He also announced the next workshop will aim to introduce teachers and parents with the pilot project.
ponedjeljak, 28. veljače 2011.
utorak, 22. veljače 2011.
Podravka Financial Conference organized by student associations OIKOS
OIKOS Student Association in collaboration with the Faculty of Economics, 18 February Financial Conference was held which was attended by Podravka. With the presentation of the company, Podravka representatives from the sectors of Human Resources and Corporate Administration and Business Food Programme, students are set challenges in the form of business cases. Representative teams of students from the University of Maribor, University of Belgrade, Sarajevo University, the University of Montenegro, Zagreb School of Economics and Management and Economics, University of Zagreb, business cases are handled on "Internal Communication" in the field of human resources management and "Summer with Podravka" category marketing. The most successful teams, following the presentation of solutions, received the gift packs Podravka products.
OIKOS Association Croatia Zagreb is the first local branch of an international student organization OIKOS International, which deals with sustainable economics and management. OIKOS International was founded in 1987. of Economics and Law School, as part of the prestigious University of St. Gallen in Switzerland.
petak, 11. veljače 2011.
NEW - Lino lada nougat

Lino lada nougat is easy to lubricants, and along with bread and milk makes a nutritious and delicious breakfast is especially suitable for children who are intensively growing, athletes and all those who are physically active. Complements well with pancakes and ice cream, as it can be charged and traditional pastries such as donuts or pastry. You can find two grammage: promo pack 400g + 20 percent free and 750g jars.
Lino lada nougat will enrich your daily life and provide a unique sweet pleasure.
petak, 4. veljače 2011.
Seminar o maslinovom ulju
Nedavno je u Institutu Podravke održan seminar o maslinovom ulju. Na seminaru je sudjelovalo 24 članova panela za senzorsku analizu maslinovog ulja i tehnologa zainteresiranih za temu.
Ekstra djevičansko maslinovo ulje je vrlo kompleksan proizvod za kojeg su postavljeni vrlo jasni i strogi kriteriji kontrole kvalitete s osobitim naglaskom na senzorsku kvalitetu. Provođenje senzorske analize se uvelike oslanja na rad dobrovoljaca, zbog toga je za analizu vrlo važan korak ocjenjivače što bolje pripremiti i educirati o općim i senzorskim značajkama proizvoda koje će ocjenjivati.
U suradnji s Laboratorijem za kontrolu kvalitete tvornice Kokteli i Razvojem voća, povrća, kondimenata i priloga jelima, Razvoj senzorike i nutricionizma prati organoleptičku kvalitetu pošiljki SMS Ekstra djevičanskog maslinovog ulja.
Edukaciju o maslinovom ulju vodila je dr.sc. Dubravki Škevin, docentica iz Laboratorija za tehnologiju ulja i masti sa Prehrambeno-biotehnološkog fakulteta u Zagrebu. Profesorica Škevin je educirani stručnjak za ocjenjivanje djevičanskih maslinovih ulja, koja je prošla usavršavanje na renomiranim školama i institutima u Portugalu, Italiji, Španjolskoj i Hrvatskoj. Sa suradnicima je pripremila dvodnevni seminar kojim su obuhvaćeni glavni aspekti tehnologije maslinovog ulja.
Edukacija je započela upoznavanjem sa senzorskim svojstvima djevičanskih maslinovih ulja, metodologijom ocjenjivanja i tehničkim zahtjevima senzorske analize ovog proizvoda. Tema drugog predavanja je bila tehnologija proizvodnje maslinovog ulja. Predstavljeni su suvremeni trendovi proizvodnje i potrošnje maslinovog ulja, povijest masline i glavne sorte koje se uzgajaju za proizvodnju ulja te suvremeni tehnološki postupci u proizvodnji maslinovog ulja.
Drugog dana seminara obuhvaćeno je zakonodavstvo koje regulira pitanja maslinovih ulja, zahtjevi s obzirom na kontrolu kvalitete i određivanje autentičnosti. Četvrtom i posljednjom temom predstavljene su vrlo zanimljive nutritivne specifičnosti i kvalitete maslinovog ulja, razlozi zbog kojih je maslinovo ulje vrlo cijenjeno.
Najznačajniji dio ove edukacije predstavljao je njezin praktični dio. To je podrazumijevalo kušanje uzoraka djevičanskih maslinovih ulja s različitim poželjnim i nepoželjnim svojstvima. (S.Š.)
utorak, 1. veljače 2011.
Gays and lesbians, whether to people with special needs?
They belong mostly affluent strata of society, with a low tolerance to education. Although this may be an exception, as in all human appearance. Is life a game for them? If indeed it is worthy of attention. I remembered only the images that I had seen in the known world-wide galleries, thinking of the classics Breughela, Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, Delacroix, Michelangelo, Nuda Veritas, or as the naked truth. Observing the beauty of the body which were inspired by the world's greatest painters.
I always wondered who they are, gays and lesbians? I thought them to other beings. What are their lives different from the mundane, stereotypical, and what we have learned, referring to an emotional community that male female relationships. I realized that these are people who have different emotional prferencije of others that are formed in different communities.
Gays and LesbiÄ have always existed, we look back at the past, present and look to the future, not just too little changed. We do not need it or expect. Everything is going to progress and development and acceptance of deviant people in the community. As for the definition, status or dandyism. From ancient eras past, we can see the many facts and examples of famous artists and old masters of art that skillfully and in their own secretive way emphasized the relationship between man and man, woman and women. These show their naked bodies and perfect. Let us recall the paintings and sculptures of explicit content and poses made by Rafael, a renowned painter of the Roman court, which is precisely such motives are on the ceiling of the Sistine cap, which advocates the pope and the church veledostojnici. I wonder how come they do not mind? I would say it's art! Beautiful naked hairy men, and not in a bewitching body position, then the picture of the old Flemish painter Brueghel who is always photographed naked boys and men naked virgins how to play or iskradaju in some woods along the creek. Leonardo da Vinci, also had a tendency towards the same sex. In fact his partner was a handsome young painter and his model, whom he admired Leonardo often painted while enjoying the beauty of tumbled masculinity. So they actually created the most beautiful works of naked bodies of men and women who represent perfection in the eyes of artists and audience, which tends, today's human society. I must admit that the old masters and radically freer to express their artistic achievements of nudity, but today's artists, who are in a harness or media restrictions.
But because there are famous couples such as Elton John and his boyfriend David Furnish, then celebrity artists Gilbert and George, who publicly show that they are famous for their outstanding presentations and community. Women deliberately not to mention, there are celebrities in civil union, I still attracted to men though were gay. I love them so interesting, handsome and charming, just different. I personally know with such a person, which I am extremely pleased. Space!
There is no end to the bizarre, we can confirm the fact that the California law, recently approved the adoption of the child such deviant union, as belonging to Elton John and his partner David Furnish, which opposes any normal science. I wonder what those people who can make such ill decisions in legislation. Enough of the evil that leads the world in just the destruction and ruin, and, this is yet another confirmation of human society and stupidity that leads into the darkness of civilization and self-destruction. I wonder who will have trauma to the child when it begins in kindergarten and in school, when you realize that other kids have moms and dads, and this child will be next to him to watch two old men's faces disfigured that he did not mom or dad, but freaks. Americans were always one step ahead of civilization in many respects, inventions, innovation, social systems, more advanced of them are Japanese, where such things do not fall pamat, respecting the civilization and human being. Once again confirm that the world is ruled by a wicked business in which the last word has money, even at the cost and self-destruction.
Imagine China, which is most populous country in the world. Their government has implemented a policy of depopulation and restriction punishes couples who have more than two children. There you can buy illegal human body, dead or easily killed the fetus, which was odd. How would it be that China is exporting people, legally, how much gays and LesbiÄ in California may have children, and the Chinese GDP increased?
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