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petak, 29. listopada 2010.

I suze dio Lino višebojca - OŠ Davorina Trstenjaka iz Hrvatske Kostajnice

Lino višebojac redovito izmamljuje najljepše osmjehe na dječjim licima, ali se tu i tamo pojavljuju i suze. Poneki put su to suze radosnice, poneki put teku iz tužnih očiju.

Dogodilo se to i u Hrvatskoj Kostajnici gdje učenik sedmog razreda OŠ Davorina Trstenjaka Pavle Pavišić nije mogao suspregnuti suze nakon što je u vrlo neizvjesnom pripetavanju izgubio od godinu dana mlađeg i rastom nižeg Ante Bolčevića. Na kraju natjecanja oba dječaka imala su po 130 bodova, a za odlučivanje o pobjedniku izabrali su rukomet. Što ne čudi jer je sportski gost bio rukometaš Zagreba i hrvatske reprezentacije Ljubo Vukić. Nakon izmjene čak šest udaraca sretniji i spretniji bio je Ante koji uopće nije računao na pobjedu.

Unatoč tuzi, Pavle mu je sportski čestitao, da bi kasnije na konferenciji za novinarsku ekipu škole, brojnim zanimljivim pitanjima „ rasturio“ Ljubu Vukića. Konferencija je i inače bila odlično pripremljena, baš kao i brojne oglasne ploče u predvorju škole koje su propagirale bavljenje sportom, fer navijanje, te jasno i glasno rekle stop nasilju na sportskim terenima.
Učenici škole nisu ostali samo na maštovitim slikovnim i pisanim porukama, nego su i na djelu pokazali kako se doista treba ponašati na sportskim događanjima, za što zaslužuju veliku pohvalu. Baš kao i tri djevojčice koje su svojim velikim veseljem doprinijele dojmljivom Lino višebojcu u Hrvatskoj Kostajnici. To su Marija Letić koja je unatoč svom hendikepu hrabro sudjelovala u plesnoj točki, Marta Vuković koja je biranim riječima opisala svoj dječji svijet bez zla i Adela Zličarić koja je pobjedu radosno podijelila s prijateljicama iz razreda.


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utorak, 26. listopada 2010.

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Ne odgovarajte na broj koji počinje s +39..., +390..., +391..., + 392..., +393..., +394... već ga odmah izbrišite!
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Kada korisnik mobilnog telefona pogleda broj koji ga zove i kada a taj broj izgleda i počinje sa +39..., +390..., +391..., + 392..., +393..., +394... i tako dalje (u ovom primjeru, koji mi je poznat telefonski broj je bio: +393193260045) i ukoliko korisnik taj poziv odmah izbriše, tim potezom, osigurao se prevaranta-kriminalca i uradio pravu stvar. Ukoliko pak korisnik mobilnog telefona nazove broj propuštenog poziva postaje žrtva kriminalaca. U prethodnom slučaju koji mi je poznat kolega je svojim odgovorom na propušteni poziv izgubio vise od 2.000 EUR ( izuzetno je opasno ako imate pretplatu), ako je u pitanju bon, lako bacite broj, kartica je neznanatna šteta. Određeni brojevi iz gore navedenih grupa uvlače korisnika u situaciju da kada pozove te brojeve ne može prekinuti poziv i tako se napravi ogromni trošak na računu. Brojne prijave MUP- , potvrđuju da se broj ljudi koji odgovara na ovakve pozive povećava iz dana u dan i da korisnici mobilnih telefona sami sebe guraju u financijske probleme i postaju žrtve kriminalaca.

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četvrtak, 21. listopada 2010.

Podravka na sajmu u Bizovačkim toplicama

Već šesnaestu jesen za redom na prostoru kompleksa Bizovačkih toplica održan je sajam Agro Zemlja, a važno mjesto među izlagačima zauzela je i Podravka.

Posjetiteljima i izlagačima sajam pruža uvid u najnovija dostignuća tehnologije u poljoprivredi, čija primjena u praksi treba doprinijeti boljitku i omogućiti veću profitabilnost poljoprivredne proizvodnje, a time i proizvodnje hrane. Na Agro Zemlji brojni izlagači predstavljaju poljoprivredu od početka njezinog proizvodnog ciklusa – sjemenarstva, sadnica, zaštite bilja sve do mehanizacije i opreme za preradu. No tu su i izlagači koji predstavljaju mogućnosti otkupa i kooperacije, toliko važne karike u lancu proizvodnje i plasmana.

Važno mjesto među izlagačima zauzela je i Podravka predstavivši Instant čajeve, Lerovitu i Podravkine juhe, a Danica se predstavila s Podravkinim jegerom, češnjovkama i domaćim ljutim kobasicama.

Podravkin specijalist kulinarstva Zlatko Sedlanić pripremao je delicije od naših proizvoda u kojima su uživali posjetitelji već prvog dana sajma. Kako doznajemo od Zlatka, degustirajući Podravkine proizvode ministar poljoprivrede, ribarstva i ruralnog razvoja Hrvatske Petar Čobanković oduševio se Podravkinim domaćim ljutim kobasicama.

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petak, 15. listopada 2010.

COMFORT WITH STYLE On the savings Citroen C3 1.4 HDi Confort

 After the C3 equipped gasoline engines, the order also came equipped with C3 1.4 HDi diesel engine developing 70 hp and packages Confort. As the 1.4 HDi engine carries the bodywork of the new C3, and how comfortable city car, with Citroen's secondary package, read the test.

Another sedmerodnevno socializing with the new Citroen C3 passed very quickly, and this time we get to test the C3 1.4 HDi diesel engine developing 70 hp and packages Confort. That the association with diesel versions were comfortable, the proof is that we have a heavy heart returned the keys of the new Citroen C3. The successor to the first generation of C3, urban vehicle inspired by the legendary Spacek, once again brought smiles to the face whenever we met with him appeared, and his green body proved to be an advantage in attracting the attention of the mostly female driving population, whose comments are mostly sounded: " Luscious is! "

Exterior and interior
As we have already said, what is the greatest weapon of the new C3 is its design. Designers have created a car that's a bit chic, a bit retro, yet modern, and its appearance fits into the design features of Citroën. C3 1.4 HDi came with a green body Cidule and attractive panoramic windscreen that Zenith is well integrated into the new C3. Design the front of the conductors large grille and large headlights, a striking detail is definitely a big Citroen's new logo. Viewed from the side bodywork of the new C3 is not moving away from the body shape of its predecessor, and his overall "bumbaroliki" shape is appealing and sympathetic.

New Citroen C3 abundant curved elements, so unless the thresholds are no other straight line. Falling roof line reminiscent of the previous generation, but the rear end of the new model has a boomerang-shaped lights, and completion of the roof is slightly nadignut successfully imitates a roof spoiler, as playful C3 at higher speeds, we must. The rear windshield is large enough and provides good visibility, a large outside mirrors provide a good overview of the road behind the vehicle and visually fit nicely into the design of the new C3. It is obvious that the Citroën thought about everything and this is praiseworthy.
Inside C3 is a great designed and very pleasant place to spend time, especially if you sit in the front seats. True, most of the elements is made of plastic, but the C3 is not a problem because we did not get the impression of cheap construction. The gray plastic on the console is so finely worked not to remove your fingers from it. Around the audio system and air conditioning controls is matte black plastic, which effectively completes the overall impression. Next to the handbrake lever is a connection for connecting an external audio device (AUX) with an audio system. 

New Citroen C3 above the center console has a display showing the function of the audio system, which is also running and trip computer information. When closing the door and moving, but at a speed of 10 km / h C3 is automatically locked, and the controls to the left of the display of information allows you to manually control the locking / unlocking the door. Control of air conditioners are very simple and easy in the short term to get used to them and pressing the "auto", air and solid quietly doing its job, without feeling the load. When sunlight becomes strong enough to bother to run, panoramic windscreen simply close sliding element.

Control panel for the instrument is laid out and beautifully designed. It consists of three segments in the middle is dominated by the speedometer, while the left-hand side tachometer, as the right to digitally displays fuel level, kilometers traveled, and when the cruise control function is activated. The absence of conventional engine temperature gauge was replaced with the signal lights located in the tachometer, which glows blue when the engine reached operating temperature.

Leather steering wheel fits comfortably in your hand. The lower inner frame is decorated with black plastic and is a great combination of visual and functional terms. Below the knob turn signal and wiper blades and behind the wheel, the left side there is a lever for cruise control management, as the right to control the audio system. Controls are logical and cruise quickly get accustomed to them.
Ergonomically speaking, the C3 is well made and everything is close at hand driver. The controls for raising the front windows are located on the driver's door, and there are immediate and controls for adjusting electric side mirrors. Armrest on the top side covered with a cloth, a lever handle can be controlled without lifting your hands from the back, but only a simple shift hands. The seats are very comfortable and solidly adhere the body, and even on longer trips do not tire the body.
The spaciousness of the front at a high level and more people without problems can comfortably accommodate, while the rear a little less room for passengers, but still enough so that even senior members of our editorial board did not have a sense of lack of space. The luggage compartment has a high volume of 300 liters which is the largest amount in the class of city vehicles, so it will meet the transportation and larger amounts of luggage. In the case of overlapping the rear seats, the volume of cargo space grows to a high 1300 liters.

The sound of the engine at low revs it is almost inaudible, and any long or short trips, with quality sound audio system, a delight in the new C3. This car has the best sound insulation in the class that contributes significantly to the feeling that you are riding in a larger and more expensive car than it really is C3. Not even a little noisier diesel engine did not interfere with comfort when it comes to noise in the cabin.

Driveline and drivetrain

Citroen C3 tested had a 1.4-liter HDi engine that does its job very fair, economical and reliable, and delivers 70 hp (50 kW) at 4,000 rpm and 160 Nm of torque at 2,000 rpm. On the new C3 engine power and torque delivered linearly, so therefore the characteristics of the engine very well expressed. Maximum speed is 164 km / h and accelerates from 0-100 km / h in 13.7 seconds, which is solid considering his weight. When it comes to flexibility, the C3 1.4 HDi engine achieves međuubrzanja evenly and did not significantly slow when overtaking other vehicles.
Although perhaps 70 hp engine at first glance does not appear convincing enough, the engine is very smooth and well worn with a body C3, even on highways at higher speeds. In doing so, it is very important, the engine is very noisy, a Manual transmission peterobrzinski awesome power and torque to the front wheels and has good ratios, so we have not even felt the need for a six-speed transmission. We believe that the courses of transmission and accurate as they should be for such a car - neither too short nor too long.

For a city car, C3 is far from the competition in terms of comfort. Softer suspension perfectly absorbs bumps in the road and makes the journey enjoyable. Body is leaning in a curve which at first may give the impression of instability in the vehicle, but the feeling after a few kilometers away. Citroën C3 has previously demonstrated a very dynamic and stable (test C3 1.4 VTi) even on very twisty roads, regardless of the softer tuned suspension and a slight body roll, and it adds a very precise control. All in all, its comfort C3 exceeds the vast majority of cars that are even above its class.
The braking system does its job perfectly, with a specific adjustment to the brake pedal, because with only the front brake discs and rear drums, C3 inhibits aggressive such as vehicles equipped with four disc brake. With ABS, the electronic brake force distribution (REF) and the system Brake Assist (AFU), C3 stops without a problem and gives the impression of a very safe vehicle. Brakes excellent perform its function, whether heated or for hours at work, and contribute significantly to the excellent driving characteristics Citroën C3.

Equipment and costs

Citroen C3 tested came with a package of equipment Confort, which includes upholstery Karl Mistral, progressive power steering adjustable steering wheel height and depth, and covered with leather, fog lights, electric front windows, electrically adjustable exterior mirrors, radio/CD/MP3 device with audio Connector (AUX), trip computer, remote central door locking, folding rear bench in the ratio of March 2 to March 1, outside temperature indicator, pulse indicator, 12V power socket from the front, front airbags, safety package (side airbags, three rear headrests and driver seat height adjuster), Security Plus package (side curtain airbags front and rear, control / speed limiter and audible warning with a light bulb nezakopčanog driver's seat belt) and a 15-inch wheels.

Input price of diesel models with a 1.4 HDi engine provides 70 HP and serial equipment package Pack is 94 900 kuna, as Confort equipment package is priced 101 900 kuna. As tested C3 had to pack Confort more accessories, the price is 112 600 kuna. Accessories include metallic green Cidule, windshield and Zenith Automatic air package that includes automatic air conditioning, 16-inch wheels Valongo light alloy, a central armrest in the front and a spare wheel with reduced dimensions.

Compared to the previous generation, Citroën has made a major step forward in the new C3, which certainly results in a narrower circle of the best city cars. The new C3 is in series equipped with front and side airbags, as the higher trim and extra come airbags which, with optional Traction Control - ESP substantially increase the safety of passengers. This was demonstrated by crash-test Euro NCAP, because without a new ESP-C3 received four stars for safety, and the ESP gets them all Fri If you're wondering why your rig C3 ESP, the answer is as follows: In addition to basic fair price, price of accessories has traditionally been a good buy when it comes to French manufacturers and this is the case with Citroen.
The possibility of further sales should not be a problem because it is a smaller car with a very economical and reliable diesel engine, a renowned European manufacturer, and not to expect quick and rapid loss of value. Due to very low consumption, C3 is not a great burden for any household budget, and the costs of routine maintenance on the average market price, so even the most expensive nor the cheapest.

Citroen C3 on bail of 2 years with unlimited mileage (with possible extension to 5 years with very favorable payment), and the rust metal body 12 years. Regarding consumption, it is at C3 in the city never exceeds 6.5 L/100 km on the open road it holds about envious 4.0 L/100 km. According to our impressions, average consumption is between 4.5 and 5.0 L/100 km, although it was declared by the manufacturer to 4.2 L/100 km.
This engine meets Euro 5 standards on emissions and does not produce a large external noise, and according to the manufacturer's specifications, the 1.4 HDi engine in the new C3 emits 110 CO2 g / km, which is very good result. Therefore, this model comes with Airdream eco-signature that is assigned one of the cleanest vehicles in the range. Thanks to a strong policy that takes the environment, Citroën is now one of the most advanced manufacturers in this field. To have the right to sign Airdream the model must meet the following criteria: CO2 emissions lower or equal to 140 g / km, the vehicle was manufactured in a factory certified ISO 14001 and efficiency of the car at the end of life is 95%, of which 85% recycled.

New Citroen C3 is one of najsimpatičnijih and best cars in its class, and won a nice and beautiful appearance, graceful and attractive interior design and an incredibly high level of comfort. S 1.4 HDi engine on the side of the household budget for their fuel economy and low maintenance costs, the performance and features suitable city driving. Overall, the new Citroën C3 has earned praise in every respect and we believe that it represents an excellent purchase.

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četvrtak, 14. listopada 2010.

Lino višebojac u Imotskom

Učenici OŠ Stjepana Radića iz Imotskog, jedne od najvećih škola u Splitsko-dalmatinskoj županiji, osjetit će u četvrtak, 14. listopada čaroliju Lino višebojca. Medvjedić Lino u goste će im dovesti nogometaša Hajduka Marina Ljubičića koji će višebojcima pomagati u osvajanju bodova u trčanju, skoku u dalj, izvođenju slobodnih udaraca na gol, pogađanju košarkaških obruča, potezanju užeta i štafetama. Marin će na kraju zanimljivog natjecanja uručiti pehare pobjedicima koji tako stječu pravo nastupa na završnici Lino višebojca koja će se održati potkraj svibnja sljedeće godine.

Lino višebojac, koji je do ove sezone nosio naziv Čokolino višebojac pokrenut je na inicijativu legendarnog kapetana vatrenih Zvonimira Bobana u školskoj godini 2006/07. U svakoj školskoj godini održava se po 24 natjecanja u osnovnim školama, te jedno finalno natjecanje na kojemu se okupljaju pobjednici sa školskih natjecanja nastojeći izboriti ostvarenje svog sportskog sna. Naime, pobjednici Lino višebojca uz pehar dobivaju i mogućnost odabira sportskog događanja u svijetu kojemu žele prisustvovati, a Podravka i Sportske novosti njihove snove pretvaraju u stvarnost. Do sada su dva pobjednika ostvarila svoj sportski san – Josip Lotar iz Županje prisustvovao je utakmici Lige prvaka između Barcelone i Lyona gdje se susreo sa svojim nogometnim idolom Lionelom Messijem, a Stipe Božiković iz Jelse pratio je susret finala UEFA Europske lige u Hamburgu između Atletica Madrid i Fulhama i družio se s rukometašima Vorijem, Duvnjakom i Lackovićem. Usto jedna od pobjednica Katarina Milinković, štićenica doma za nezbrinutu djecu iz Zagreba postala je Podravkina stipendistica.

Jedinstveni projekt osmišljen radi poticanja školskog sporta, razvijanja sportskih navika kod učenika osnovnih škola te promocije njihovog kulturnog stvaralaštva ušao je u svoju petu sezonu, a Podravki i Sportskim novostima pridružio se i HT koji događanja na Lino višebojcu redovito prati na lino.tportalu.
Učenici OŠ Stjepana Radića iz Imotskog pratit će Lino višebojac u gradskoj sportskoj dvorani, a natjecatelji će izaći na teren točno u podne.




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The new BMW 1 Series M Coupe

From BMW's coming up about the upcoming 1 Series M Coupe. For starters it was confirmed that lies under the hood, and it is a 3.0-liter six-cylinder engine ordinal with two turbochargers which develops 340 hp. The engine will be mated to a six-speed manual gearbox, the disappointment of many without a lever from the steering wheel.

BMW 1 Series M Coupe raised more dust during the stages of development, than any other BMW M car with a designation. Fans rejoice any new information, and this was confirmed by an official representation in the U.S.
BMW 1 Series M Coupe will be the new entry-level BMW's M division higher performance . According to the company's CEO, Kaya Segler, 1 Series M Coupe is coming to meet the dreams of many fans of the BMW. Many expect that this particular model could become the biggest selling BMW M label. The new M Coupe to the public will be presented at the International Auto Show in Detroit.

BMW's engineers served as the base chassis, braking system and rear differential higher performance M3. With this technology, but the first test drive the new M Coupe was a full 10 seconds faster on the Nürburgring than the big old generation models M3 and E46 series.

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utorak, 12. listopada 2010.

Charity Concert Tamburasi for your city

On the eve of Thanksgiving in the high school gym in Koprivnica held a benefit concert "Tamburaši her town" in which he participated and tambura orchestra KUD "Podravka".

Tamburaši Podravka conducted by Kreše Lukacic opened the concert singing "Koprivnica", and played two more songs for what they are rewarded with thunderous applause from the audience. At the concert, which has become traditional, attended by numerous local performers tambura music together in order to help talented musicians to help with schooling, which is allocated revenue from ticket sales.

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ponedjeljak, 11. listopada 2010.

Presentation of the book about the Homeland War

In the Gallery of Naive Art in Hlebine, on the occasion of Independence Day a book Mladen Pavkovic "We were first when it was needed" - the memory of the Croatian Homeland War, organized by the Municipality and the Croatian Hlebine heart of this place.

In his the program, the author participated Miralem Alečković, one of the first Croatian volunteers, MP and Mayor of Dr. Stephen Gola Milinkovic, Hrvoje Hlebine Mayor of Gaza, a senior curator of the Museum of the City of Koprivnica prof. Drazen Ernečić, Goddess Trnski and Tambura orchestra Regional School Joseph Generalić ", led by prof. Joseph Ruzic.

It was an occasion to once again remind and to the contribution of Croatian Defenders from this region to create a free, autonomous and independent Croatian state.

For outstanding contribution in the war Mladen Pavkovic, President UBIUDR Podravka handed Miralem Alečković and acknowledgments of the Association for what he did and does for Croatia and Podravina.

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