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ponedjeljak, 30. kolovoza 2010.

Exhibition of paintings Brankica Novak

On Sunday, 28th August gathered numerous visitors, locals and Gole Brankicas friends in the gallery Naked old school, with one reason in terms of solo exhibitions of pictures. The painter has exhibited 28 pictures, medium format, mostly pastels. The content of motive dominated mainly still lifes and flowers. In fact, everything that surrounds it, a picture from my childhood, which he spent in his native Novačka near Gole. Now the family lives in Koprivnica, and kindred come often, where her mother lives. Program contributed to the opening of a separate eccentric performance Koprivnica-known musicians: Miroslav Evačić and Tihomir Grobenski Tiki and Mary Peros reciting their pjeseme. The exhibition was opened by MP and Mayor Gola, Dr. Stephen Milinkovic. Foreword to the catalog was written by a journalist and publicist Mladen Pavkovic, who said:

In Podravina painting Brankica Novak only recently emerged. And she began to paint a relatively early, in elementary school in Prekodravlje, in a region known for prominent artists naive. However, her artistic path is something quite different from those who create or produce .. The exhibition will be open next month in the gallery Naked old school, so that all art lovers can visit the exhibition in September.

Brankica this is the first solo exhibition, and before it is long and arduous path to success

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četvrtak, 26. kolovoza 2010.

Traditional HGK "Buy Croatian" on the main Square

At a press conference the head of CCE County Chamber of Koprivnica Miroslav Vitković announced Traditional Croatian Chamber of Commerce "Buy Croatian" which will be held on 4th September in Koprivnica Zrinski Square 9-13 pm. Action to be held from May to September in 21 Croatian cities, and the final will be 25th September in Zagreb's Ban Jelacic Square.  This year the campaign "Buy Croatian" specific because it was a year of economic crisis, and predictions are that the next will be even better and for all that our action is still trying to promote a quality domestic products with the aim of awareness the importance of buying such products in order to has contributed to increasing the overall competitiveness of the Croatian economy and preserve our national identity. Buy homemade quality products is important, especially during global economic crisis when choosing these products protect your job, help her and other families, develop the local economy, provide current and future pensions and the prosperity of future generations, and especially the future of our children - said Vitković. According to the announcements of the organizers, the action of Koprivnica is expected to be 140 companies from all Croatian, and so far from Koprivnica-Križevci reported 18, including the inevitable Podravka. Effectiveness of additional actions will consist, in addition to the role of the sellers are people from the public and political life of Croatian and what will, in cooperation with the Tourist Board of Koprivnica action visit King Louis of Hungary with his suite. Specifically, the action takes place at the time of Koprivnica Renaissance festivals, which in this context, the Director of Koprivnica Tourist Board Renato Labazan at the press conference praised the high quality cooperation with the city's Tourist Board Chamber of Commerce County Chamber of Koprivnica and said the action "Buy Croatian" fits perfectly in the Renaissance festive.

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srijeda, 25. kolovoza 2010.

Hrvatska ženska rukometna reprezentacija na prijemu kod župana Darka Korena

Koprivničko-križevački župan Darko Koren sa suradnicima organizirao je prijem za žensku rukometnu reprezentaciju Hrvatske koja se ovih dana priprema u Koprivnici za nastup na mađarskom Pannon kupu.

Tijekom prijema čelni čovjek Podravine i Prigorja upoznao je rukometašice i stručno vodstvo reprezentacije s osnovnim značajkama naše županije te posebno istaknuo gospodarski potencijal našega kraja i u tom kontekstu naglasio: Da nema kompanije kao što je Podravka, ne bi bilo niti vrhunskih sportskih rezultata koje postižu domaći sportaši i sportski klubovi poput primjerice Rukometnog kluba Podravka Vegeta. Ženski rukomet je prepoznatljiv brand naše županije u Europi.

U ime rukometašica i stručnog vodstva reprezentacije na prijemu je zahvalio novi izbornik Vladimir Canjuga iza kojega je, inače 30 godina rada u muškom rukometu. Istaknuvši kako se nada da će opravdati ukazano povjerenje koje je dato njemu, njegovim suradnicima i darovitoj generaciji rukometašica od kojih njih deset u reprezentaciji iz Podravke Vegete, Canjuga je rekao: Podravka, Koprivničko-križevačka županija i grad Koprivnica uviđaju da je sport vrlo važan u našem društvu i smatram da bi se trebalo više hrvatskih županija i tvrtki ugledati na vas. Na kraju prijema župan Koren i dožupani Ivan Pal i Darko Sobota poželjeli su puno sportskih uspjeha reprezentativkama koje u prosincu ove godine očekuje prvenstvo Europe u Danskoj i Norveškoj

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Croatia women's national handball team

Koprivnica-krizevacki prefect Darko Koren and his associates organized a reception for the women's national handball team of Croatian these days preparing for the performance of Koprivnica in Hungarian Pannon Cup. While receiving the head of the Podravine and Prigorje informed professional handball player and the team with the basic features of our county, and in particular highlighted the economic potential of our region and in this context pointed out.
Were it not for a company such as Podravka, there would be no top sport results achieved by local athletes and sports teams like th Croatia women's national handball team e Handball Club Podravka Vegeta. Women's handball was recognizable brand of our county in Europe. On behalf of the professional handball player and the team at the reception thanked new coach Vladimir Canjuga beyond which, or 30 years of work in men's handball. Croatia women's national handball team
On the receiving end of the root and deputy prefect John Pal and Darko Sobota wished they had a lot of sports success team that in December this year is expected European Championships in Denmark and Norway.




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ponedjeljak, 23. kolovoza 2010.

Electric car is in wrong country - Croatia minds no way out..

 While the XD-groves stood float in a vacuum. Salva compliment that was picked in early March at the Salon in Geneva or excellent ratings awarded by Croatian journalists, for all potential Croatian partners were completely irrelevant. Croatia really has no desire to run no matter what kind of a coherent industrial, manufacturing operation. Although the spring-ing While the company has caused quite a ceremony, and curiosity and disbelief when the prestigious Geneva Motor Show show XD - Croatian electric vehicle prototype, two-seater looks attractive - until today there is absolutely none of the domestic partner who would be with them involved in the serial production. Banks are in the whole of this process were sincere - are still brutally cold in March reported that they have not even thinking finance the production of XD's. It is easier of course credit through very high interest earning abundantly on the opposite end of the process - the sale of finished imported cars.
The government did not spare the praise, expressed the pride that the "Croatian intelligence" capable of absolutely modern products make a statement of support was not fleeing or agency to promote exports and investment. Smart, of course, be determined by a positive matter what the local production initiative. But - not necessarily their statements long be remembered and activated resources because it requires much effort, risk and tension. But times are difficult and require urgent initiative and it is easier to raise the VAT rate and introduce a special tax. However, Dok-ing is not submitted by a business owner Vjekoslav Majetić few days ago, said that despite the debacle with the incentives to invest in the domestic space, they continue to search for foreign partners.

Dok-ing income is actually very company that most of its revenue producing specialized vehicles for demining. Founded in 1992. year to date has developed into one of the most famous companies manufacturing machinery for mining in the world. "Financiers for a year shortly and we, the producers of extremely long period. It is a promise by the Government and the Agency for the promotion of exports, but no concretization. I understand that the burden of time and that in this situation is difficult to allocate money for the electric project, but I do not give up because we are convinced that this is a good product that the future mobility needs absolutely favor, "said Majetić. Dok-ing decided to start production by the end of the year to make a series of 20 cars. Additionally XD will experience the refinement of visual identity and will start with the amount of the promotional campaign and visit the countries where they could find potential investors. Since they do through the global vehicle sales for demining very good, the results should not be excluded.
For now, we know that they have shown some interest in Russian companies, it can show prospective and contacts with some Chinese and the French partners.

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petak, 20. kolovoza 2010.

Počeo otkup jabuka

U tvornici Voće u Koprivnici početkom ovog tjedna započeo je ovogodišnji otkup jabuka i šljiva koje će se tu preraditi i kao jedna od važnih sirovina utrošiti u spremanju naših najboljih proizvoda.
Boljem prihvatu ovogodišnjeg uroda jabuka i šljiva pridonosi i netom završena investicija u ovoj tvornici. Dosadašnji “otvoreni vodeni sustav za transport jabuka” zamijenjen je modernijim “zatvorenim vodenim sustavom”, a voda se višekratno koristiti u recirkulacijskom toku čime se znatno smanjuje i njezina potrošnja. Također je bitno unaprijeđen i ubrzan sam prijem i istovar sirovina. Ujedno je maksimalno skraćeno vrijeme prerade od istovara do skladišta, čime se štede energenti potrebni kod tog tehnološkog procesa prerade.
Otkup je tek na svom samom početku i trenutno pristižu prve količine jabuka za preradu, a prve količine šljiva očekuju se početkom rujna. Otkupna cijena za šljive je 2,30 kn/kg, a za jabuke 0,65 kn/kg istovarene u tvornici Voće.
Prema riječima direktora Podravkine službe Nabava primarnih sirovina Zlatka Đelekovčana, Podravka planira ove godine otkupiti oko pet stotina tona šljiva i četiri stotine tona jabuka, a svima koji prodaju jabuke i šljive Podravka jamči plaćanje u roku od trideset dana.



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