Do not skip breakfast and do not in themselves trpajte on speed, while running the business, sweetened coffee, donuts, donuts, fat, big rolls ... Ideal breakfast that will keep you sieves is - a portion of muesli / žitarcica with milk or yoghurt, slice of wholemeal bread with lean cheese, ham or bacon brittle (or a boiled egg) and a glass of fruit juice. If you eat for breakfast simple carbohydrates and sugars quickly, after less than 2 hours you will drastically drop energy levels so you'll have about 11 hours desperately yearn for a new candy. Breakfast is king. The fact is - most are thicker in the office. This contributes to the sitting, stress, rush, irregular and unbalanced diet, poor selection of snacks ... Here are important to you, but quite simple tips on how to office for life, not toss excess weight. Small meals every three hours - Most nutritionists claims - the concept of the traditional three meals a day is now completely obsolete. The golden rule is to not take more than three hours to eat something. So feel free to Roll in fine mid-morning snack, and snack at around five o'clock pm: ideal choice - fresh fruit, these nuts and dried fruits, chocolate with high cocoa, some pieces of vegetables like carrots, fruit smoothie, fruit yogurt .. . Be sure to eat something light, but energetic, 20-60 minutes before the evening of fitness - like bananas. Important small surrender - brain works best if it provides the balanced waves of work and relaxation. Therefore, every hour, walk, stretch it, look out the window, go to the toilet, fix makeup ... The worst part is the line that most employees associated with a bad break snacks and sugary carbonated drinks from machines in the hallways. I prefer to relax with a little neobveznog chat, send sms's (the fly), leaving the fresh air ... Avoid the stress caused by the meetings and bad relationships.
The most frequent and strongest stress of employed people appears Mondays in the morning, and because it often increases the weight. Stress releases hormones cortisol and adrenaline, which increases blood glucose levels. If this energy is reached, it accumulates in the form of fat. Stress hormones which nature has intended, and sudden brief release into the body, and if you reach a critical level in the morning, the body will continue all day to produce cortisol, trying to calm down. Solutions? Firstly, physical activity, meditation, sex - and all activities that stimulate the brain centers for pleasure. It is advisable and a diet rich in vitamins C and B5, and magnesium (green leafy vegetables, walnuts and hazelnuts).

And finally, every day take a short time for rest and relaxation: all four in the air, and the brain to pasture. Calm down before the stress of meeting self-suggestion, and as you can avoid colleagues who bring negative energy into the working environment. Smart snacks in a drawer. What will you get enough to handle, give you energy and valuable nutrients such as fiber, minerals, vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids are called. smart snacks - nuts (almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, cashew nuts, peanuts ...) and dried fruit (cranberries, apricots, figs, plums, apple chips, etc.). Nuts do not buy too much salt, and dried fruit is not too sweet. If you think that is too sweet dried fruit and stuck, rinse it in water. Just sleep. A four-night's sleep two nights in a row bad will affect your line - in the human body, causing chemical changes that affect weight. Specifically, levels of leptin - the hormone that controls appetite, causing a feeling of satiety - falling by 20 percent, while the quantity of substances that cause hunger pangs increased by 20 percent - the results are to research conducted by Columbia University. The same research has proven that individuals who at night sleep only four hours, 73 percent more likely to be overweight than those whose dream lasts nine hours. Slenderness, therefore, maintained and a good night of rest, at least eight hours. No prejedajte the office domjencima and celebrations - (Un) eating at office receptions or celebrations is not really crucial to your social iposlovni name and next time when faced with a giant cake that a colleague has put before you, ask what a small slice of the free leave it on a plate if you do not go. At the reception you do not need just clutter up the plate - it already does not look quite right. Eat a little, with the measure and style. This will preserve the figure. Drink lots of fluids - Thirst is sometimes misinterpreted as hunger, and therefore continuous, small sips enter the liquid itself. Not to sweet and fizzy drinks, but water and light tea (green, white, fruit ...). Hydrated body is important for a variety of reasons, firstly because of the stable levels of electrolytes. Avoid large amounts of caffeine and drink coffee from thick, when she just can not resist.