Lunina joined the festival and Podravka and the children and parents in the country Linovoj tasted delicious pancakes with Lado Lino and Lino learned to dance dance. Children are immensely enjoyed drawing and painting tiles Lino Lino coloring books, and the biggest smile on the faces of children I brought Lino. His sincerity and razdraganošću led the children in their fairy-tale world of dance, fun and games, and they thereby enhance your carefree Sunday's day.
utorak, 29. lipnja 2010.
Lunina festival
In Ljubljana's Tivoli Park is the fourth time in a row held Lunina festival. One-day free event in June was intended for children from 3 to 12 years of age, and this year attracted twenty thousand children and parents. For more than 40 stages the children enjoyed the entertainment community and sports games and the enthusiasm created true works of art on a small number of workshops offered by the festival.

ponedjeljak, 28. lipnja 2010.
Quality of Croatia - Podravka
petak, 25. lipnja 2010.
I was surprised last week by reading the latest research on fat and guzi, in which experts of the British University of Oxford claim that overweight and fat women on the buttocks for good health! Before reviewing the enclosed survey wonder we mean by overweight and fat, because we know that excess pounds may not be closely associated with excess fat. I've never been inclined to research media report without complete results and facts. If you are writing about the benefits of fat on guzi, I would like to say at certain scales, because we know that everyone has their own standard for "full" and "little."
For this reason, I would like to emphasize, because up to now has nowhere to put, that this is probably for a small or only a moderate amount of fat on guzi which creates more hormone adiponectin, and he in turn protects the arteries and promotes a better ratio of blood sugar. It is well known and proven that a high percentage of total fat in the body adversely affecting the cardiovascular system.
Studies showing the benefit of fat does not go in favor of increased body fat. I accept that the fat in the buttocks area reduces the effect of harmful proteins that cause inflammation and clogged arteries, scientists have published in the journal International Journal of Obesity, but again the question of deposits. The thing is individual, I'm the fat thickness of several millimeters, some few inches, and some tens of centimeters. It is therefore essential that, if we want to bring in some recent research, we should definitely rule all the facts and the results obtained in this study. Some media are transferred "as research has shown that women with higher guzom have less chance of illness from heart disease and diabetes." Which means more butt? Who defines greatness? Models will be a size bigger butt "strawberry", while a woman who is not in the water butt to be bigger in size "watermelon." All this once again play on words.
Of course it does not advocate the size of the buttocks "strawberry" but also do not approve of laziness and inactivity. Personally, I have no sexier than a woman who kept to themselves and which never should have measures that are prescribed by some designers in order to make the woman walking skeletons . But we should keep to themselves regular intake of food and regular exercise, you certainly should. irrelevant, my dear, how you butt. be it small, big, greasy, fatty, it is essential that the strong, is the most beautiful scenes of the firm buttocks.
One should always povoditi for the latest research. It's nice to remember that you should not be a hanger, but do not forget that flabby body is neither good nor healthy. Receive a job, get up and go to practice.
How to get a firm butt?
The secret lies in hard bottoms in the exercise of power. Although the past 10-odd years ago designed a variety of devices and equipment, my long experience has shown me that good old squats, with a little modification techniques of performance, but the best way to quickly and effectively consolidating butt.
Bosu (half-ball) and a ballet bar is
Bosu Why? Bosu is the ideal foundation that you are its instability more focused on the activation of muscle fibers when performing exercises. In a short time you get better results. Plus - a few small tricks
Not sure whether to perform the exercises correctly, consult an expert. If you are still not persuaded to go to practice, try to practice secretly. Use every moment to achieve the buttocks like Beyonce:
1st walking butt squeezed
2nd While sitting or standing in line behind squeezed by ten times
3rd rolling climb the stairs from the fifth.
Finally do not forget that a firm butt eliminate back pain caused by poor posture, poor gait, inactivity and muscle atrophy.
srijeda, 23. lipnja 2010.
Strawberry and Chocolate
1st For medium and
Put buerre petit biscuits in freezer bags, close and Crush biscuits with a dough roller to remain higher bits crumbs.
Sift flour into bowl, add other ingredients and mix with a paddle mixer. Finally stir biscuit crumbs.
Shortcrust pastry briefly mixed in a little lightly floured work surface. Roll it into a deeper plate (30-40) greased.
2nd Dough II
For the dough II mix flour with cocoa powder is baking powder and sift into a bowl. Add the other ingredients, pastry making stirring about 2 minutes with electric mixer at maximum speed.
The dough was distributed to the ground, carefully align and place the sheet in oven electric oven to 180 degrees Baking time 20-25 min.
Baked dough into place on the grid sheet cake, leave to cool.
4th For the stuffing I
chop chocolate with a knife for peeling vegetables. Wash the strawberry and let it drain, cut into pieces and add sugar.
Soak gelatin as directed on envelope. Beat cream firm.
Dissolve gelatin slowly squeeze on low heat (do not boil) and stir quickly whip.
Add strawberries and grated chocolate, spread the batter and align.
Place buttered dough 2 hours in the cold.
5th for filling II
Soak gelatin. Break up the chocolate into pieces and dissolve in the steam at low heat with constant stirring.
Yoghurt Mix with sugar. Dissolve gelatin mix the yogurt with a bit of weight, and stir in the remaining crowd of yoghurt.
In the end, careful mix chocolate.
Put two hours in the cold.
Cut cake into squares. Break up the chocolate into pieces and melt with oil.
On each square place by a drop of chocolate and chocolate are the current arrange washed and dried strawberries.
Friable substrates
125g Petit Beurre biscuits with chocolate sauce
150g wheat flour
75g sugar
1omot vanilla sugar
125g butter
Dough II
200g wheat flour
15g cocoa powder
Straight 3 tablespoons baking powder
75g sugar
4 eggs
100ml oil
for filling and
100g milk chocolate with yoghurt
500g strawberries
50 g sugar
7 sheets of white gelatin
400g whipping cream
3 sheets of white gelatin
75 g sugar
100g dark chocolate 70% cocoa
For decoration
75 g dark chocolate
100 g small strawberries
utorak, 22. lipnja 2010.
June in Lipik with linden tree and Spirits
The Past |
by Me |
Linden blossom in Lipik, and an intense smell of their flowers spread everywhere in the countryside. Beautiful it is a city in Moslavina, full of greenery and scents that are smelling in June this beautiful, peaceful towns. For a long time I encountered a city that has such a beautiful park. Specifically, the first association was to try it on the kind of famous Lipizzaner horses, which are also the brand of this city through which he got the name. Horses are not able to see it, just know that they are somewhat after the war have returned from Serbia in poor condition. I guess they are located somewhere in the countryside Lipika. Lipik is a city that has its cultural and natural values and resources for which is widely known, for example, the springs with medicinal water. In it are housed various spas and hospitals. The goal of our trip was organized an exhibition of art-club Podravka Multicultural Center library in Lipik. We arrived a little earlier in Zagreb, to stroll through the city and toured its sights and beauty. City apparently looks clean and tidy, where only the occasional passerby, no crowds or intense automobile traffic. Reminds me of a previous epoch, which tells its own story. What startled me in a situation where there is most of the houses, which are still visible traces of the consequences of war, and attack enemy shrapnel. These houses are part of history, and it was on them the time has stopped. They are completely empty, half-ravaged and destroyed, with a break windows. To conclude that these were great houses, villas and other important community facilities.
spirits in Lipik |
There are many. In fact half of Lipika the appearance of past times. Constantly bothered me that question, why were not renewed, and why no one in them is not living. These are actually the house of the spirits. From the bosom of their growing trees, nettles and brambles. It looks like from the movie "Day After", devastated tornado and cataclysmic impact. I stopped a passerby, an elderly gentleman, who was next to us passing on your old bike, so I asked him why these houses were not renewed, and apparently do not belong to anyone. I got the answer, if you have your home owners who are not in Croatia, but elsewhere, and majority of them do not belong to the Croatian people. Our country wants to buy that house, but at a reasonable cost, to restore them and give them a function, but the owners are looking for enormous sums of money that they can not pay for Croatia, especially in this period of economic crisis and stagnation. I have a feeling that the aggressor is still sitting in Croatia in Lipik,
demanding ransom for the house which he himself destroyed. It is difficult to understand the story at all, let alone understand. Namely, how situcaije in Croatia is not just something great, whether because of ignorance, poverty, inertia, nevaljalih law, like bushes and nettles will continue to grow from these houses, while nature takes over completely, just when those in Detroit, whose people always went in search of a better future, regardless of what they all left behind. Neglect is neglect and the Croatian Government or the State is unable to issue such a deal. Instead of this horsing sanctions and the award of major punishment acts as an inert spectator and nihilist. This is another big minus our state politics and government, to the shame of the Croatian people.
artists of Podravka in Lipik |
petak, 18. lipnja 2010.
utorak, 15. lipnja 2010.
Oysters - known as one of the most famous aphrodisiacs in the world. According to stories, Casanova allegedly knew a day and eat 50 pieces. The oysters have very little fat, and are therefore ideal as a light meal lover, but they contain very many mineral substances, such as zinc, which affects the increase in testosterone levels. Serve them perfectly fresh, raw and slurp out of their shell, plus a few drops of lemon juice. Apricots - The skin is velvety soft, while the fruit, if not ignored, hard, but very juicy. Many do not often associated with women's buttocks, so it is not surprising that some of view it can accelerate blood flow. Artichokes - rich in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and fiber, artichokes are nutritionally valuable vegetables. I have already their appearance awakens the imagination and a variety of nice association. Slip cooked artichoke is fun to nibble and suck slowly, with delicious baking. The most practical is to cook artichokes in salted water (40 minutes), add a little lemon juice, 3 teaspoons of mustard, salt and pepper. Strawberries - Some call them the fruit of love because of their bright red color and wonderful taste that leaves in combination with champagne and chocolate. Although rich in vitamins (especially C) and many other valuable ingredients in erotic games is more important is their taste, color and symbolism. There will always be the ideal romantic detail on the table. Pineapple - healthy, refreshing and delicious, the pineapple is a great aphrodisiac. The recipe for "hot" night - with a little chili pineapple, honey and rum, with a sumptuous cream. Pomegranate (Pomegranate,
pomegranate) - seductive fruit with bright red sweet and bitter seeds of the old symbol of love and passion. The perfect recipe - remove the rod from its seeds, put them into two martini glasses high and spinning well chilled Martini. Asparagus - contains a number of mineral ingredients, are a powerful diuretic and cleaned in the spring that every time a good shake and gives energy after a long winter. Their interesting flavor, soft texture and an oblong form visually enrich each plate, being a feeling of satisfaction and sexual desire. Figs - from ancient times to be fantasy and erotic charge.
Their soft flesh with its appearance and color reminiscent of the vaginal area. And so wicked easily come to mind. Not to mention how many of us their sweetness important energy supplies for long sexy games. But not only good for sex, but also for good health, a broad smile and a sense of sensuality ... Discover the magic of most erotic foods and find out why they were serving the most fun and exciting - in bed. Next super recipes
for hot games.
for hot games.
petak, 11. lipnja 2010.
Monsters and freaks, Gilbert & George at MSU in Zagreb
Maybe for our society unacceptable, I have a real attraction, I admire them and just love them. They are two old cooler. Impose my question is: who are they really? Perfect two beings in the universe with perfect harmony in daily life and artistic expression. Adorned them symmetrical creative power and energy. They are not twins. They are free and they love it, make love and war. From their Karisma savrešna created paintings that not one visitor leave no one indifferent. Impose my thoughts and knowledge, that every person on earth or in space has its counterpart. 'Stars' were combined to the one being.

Two extravagant artists Gilbert & George, who svojiom non-verbal communication speaks the most about themselves and their creativity. In an unusual alliance are, old, nice, inseparable, unburdened by modern technology, do not use the Internet, but hectograph, truly unthinkable in the 21 Century!? They walk together side by side, like siamese twins and step. They say the reason that, by chance some of them will fall and not to run over a car. They wear the same color and cut of clothes, shoes, ties, pants, socks and glasses. Food in the same restaurant, they like the same foods, live modestly and relaxed. In other words sincerely greeted force to promote unity between the partners and society. Old duo who says that they have young fans, and I am one of them, presented his impressive work at MSU in Zagreb, on this occasion and cut the cake and danced on the terrace of the Hotel Regent as a real couple, in honor of the birthday of Queen britnaske. The artists individual attitudes and prustupa expression in his works are almost always used the symbolism of the British flag, and everyday pathetic and uninteresting topics in society, which is unthinkable without the existence: money, sex, hope, love, violence, AIDS, divorce.
All of this deal in a sophisticated way to drown feelings into abstract realms, which have their story. Observers are in a situation that fully activates the brain. The exhibition is called 'Jack Freak Pictures' what it actually is, causing many issues to visitors, and leaves no one indifferent. Opsjedniti the symbolism of the British flag, which fascinates me, because the flag consists of graphic print embedded more crosses into the unique relationship that has a strong symbolic message to the geometric emphasis. In fact, crosses represented a symbol of the Crusades, they are a symbol of suffering and pain of the Christians. In fact they represent something good and bad, all depends on which time and social belonging which is what they prillazi. Same thing with the swastika, which is sibol Eastern culture that represents a symbol of peaceful, and while in Nazi Germany belonged to Hitler as a weapon to destroy people, and thus became the infamous and hated symbol during the Second World War. Hitler was the good or well, had put the poor, while Gilbert & George a bad blend of well-being.
Looking forward to the duo says, that the age of brilliant thing because you can have sex with someone three times younger than himself, and still not finished in prison. Because we are active as never before. Unencumbered operation. I would say that this duo has successfully transferred the past to the future, where he stayed.
četvrtak, 10. lipnja 2010.
After Amsterdam, Berlin and Moscow, where the famous make-up brand Maybelline New York already present as the official makeup artist of major fashion events, Maybelline New York makeup artist finally becomes the official brand name and hometown - New York City-ju.Revije big names like Calvin Klein, Diane Von Furstenberg, Max Azri, Carolina Herrera, Narciso Rodriguez and Michael Korsa, which presents the trends for spring 2010., held at New York Fashion Week, and some of them will be very rich palette of Maybelline's. Charlotte Willer, the world's extremely talented makeup girl for Maybelline New York will lead the official makeup artist for almost all the shows which is a sponsor Maybelline NY. It is precisely this September opened a new and important era of the brand - Maybelline New York makeup artist becomes the official Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week, who certainly is one of the most important fashion events in the world. The place where "born" and "bury" the designers and the stars fashion scene. The main guideline is a dramatic and fatal look, strong and luxurious applied mascara and dark lips cream purple shades. Fashion show, sponsored by Maybelline New York are carefully selected, but it's not just about the world has recognized designers, but also young, promising designers, whose names appear only begin intensively in the media. Maybelline New York is so this season makeup artist collections: DKNY, Tracy Reese, Charlotte Ronson, Michael Angel, Erin Wasson x RVCA, Alexander Herchcovitch, Christian Cota and VPL.
One of the biggest fashion event in the world famous New York Fashion Week, this year as a beauty allies chose an American cult make-up brand Maybelline NY. Fashion shows for spring / summer 2010th follow new trends in make-up for next year. So take a look ...
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